I've mentioned before that I have a soda addiction and when you see my grandmother's basement (which I've photographed before) it's easy to see where it comes from. I didn't enjoy her collection as much when I was little, not because I was any less fascinated by it, but rather because I was always afraid of breaking something. All of the trays are standing on the shelves just so and the cute little Coca-Cola toy cars were not supposed to be played with, not to mention the glass-topped cases and collection of glass bottles. It's definitely a more fun room to visit now that I don't require adult supervision and I'm less afraid of being clumsy. It's such a beautiful room to me not just because it's Coca-Cola themed but rather the vintage artwork--I love seeing the different styles in art and the ideal commercial model through the decades. I wonder if I'll ever have a collection to rival it...but I suppose that would mean living in one house for more than three years at a time.
P.S. This was my in-between hair color that I had for about half a day before I went full-on red. As you can see it was a sort of mousey-strawberry blonde.

Outfit details:
thrifted skirt (similar)
old tights
Choies purse (old, sold out)


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